“I would not have been selected without your help – It’s as simple as that!” – Nicholas Rogers, London Assembly Candidate for South West London

Welcome to my website. Thank you for dropping in.
I provide one to one mentoring for politicians and candidates, working with them to help them to help constituents, get themselves noticed and gain the recognition and responsibility they deserve.
Seeking a winnable seat can seem like an endless journey with so many confusing choices and dead ends. Sometimes you feel like you are trapped in a maze and there’s no way out – although other people have maps and find their way through, seemingly without effort.
That’s why I have created The Candidate Journey – a simple three stage map to guide you through the process of approval and selection. It’s here, and it’s FREE.
So often your efforts as a councillor go unappreciated. You work your socks off helping constituents and campaigning but nobody notices.
Trust Me, you aren’t alone. I’ve worked with councillors across the UK and around the World and so many of them feel undervalued and taken for granted.
So how can you get yourself noticed and gain the Recognition and Responsibility you deserve?
There are Five Key Skills which will help you to evolve from Committed campaigner to Effective Political Advocate and I’ve listed them in my Councillor Journey Page. It’s here and it’s FREE.
You will get lots of training from your political party, your local authority and your employer – and it’s all great. Take every opportunity to learn. Curiosity is a politician’s greatest gift.
But never forget one thing:
They are training you to achieve Their Objectives – not Your Own.
Big organisations will tell you there is no I in TEAM – but we know that there are two Is in POLITICS
Individual, one to one mentoring will help you to identify your objectives, match them to your skills – and deliver results.
It’s time consuming but it’s worth the effort.
To help you, I’ve been blogging my thoughts and advice for several years now – It’s all HERE.
And if you would like to work with me, one to one, to achieve your Political Goals, you can Contact Me here.